EVETAM certification
In 2015 the company is certified by EVETAM with Certificate of Conformity.
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Up to 2003 the company premises were in a factory in Inofyta’s Industrial area, approximately 50 km from Athens. From 2003 until today the company moved to its’ own premises in Schimatari Viotias, in a factory of 2.400 m2, 60 km from Athens.
In 1995 the company was certified with ISO 9002, in 1998 with ISO 9001 and in 2004 the company was awarded with the SKZ-DVGW German certificate for Gas and Water Networks.
In 1995 the company enters in the production of HDPE Electrofusion and Spigot Fittings, following an investment program. Up to 2003 the company premises were in a factory in Inofyta’s Industrial area, approximately 50 km from Athens. From 2003 until today the company moved to its’ own premises in Schimatari Viotias, in a factory of … Continue reading “Production”
TECHNIMA Plastics Industry was established in 1989, having as main business activity the import and export of HDPE Fittings dealing with Gas and Water networks, as well as the production of special HDPE Manifolds and fish farm cages made of HDPE. Up to 1994 the activities of the company focus on the above-mentioned fields.